First Hekaya submission call out

The Coast is a diverse place which has seen the good and bad of what the Sea has brought over the centuries and has been at the fore front of not only trade transactions but also fusion of languages as people sought the best way to trade and coexist. Over time, the merging of languages saw the Coastal towns rise to meet the demands of a dynamically developing world. As such, stories have been with us, part of us for a very long time.

Hekaya is seeking short fiction submissions from writers in the East African Coast. As this is our first call out, we intend not to have a theme. However, what we really need are stories which portray a strong Coastal Identity by bringing out themes that underlie narratives in the region.

We want stories that define or redefine Coastal Identity and nature of coastal narratives in their rawest form. deadline for submission is Friday, 9th February 2018. Kindly visit our submissions page to see the guidelines.

All submissions should be sent to


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Call out, East African coast, narratives, writing

Hekaya Initiative

Writing the East African Coast.

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